Exercise Joanne Tanton Exercise Joanne Tanton

The Perfect Squat

If you’ve been in a gym environment, you’ve likely seen any number of variations of a squat, with any number of voices emphasising different cues and labelling them as “good technique”. You might have tried a few yourself, but still have back pain or knee pain. You might even be someone who “doesn’t squat anymore - it’s bad for my back”. In truth, squatting is no worse for your back than eating breakfast or walking the dog, provided it is done safely and efficiently.

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Diet Joanne Tanton Diet Joanne Tanton


We often find ourselves torn between enjoying a beverage or making the ‘healthy choice’ to maintain gym gains, improve performance, or work towards feeling leaner. We’ve all been taught that fully indulging in alcohol might compromise these goals.

In this article, we'll explore the realities of what alcohol does to the human body and how you can still enjoy it without having to restart your health regimen on Monday morning.

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Pregnancy, Pregnancy & Postpartum Joanne Tanton Pregnancy, Pregnancy & Postpartum Joanne Tanton

Exercising through pregnancy

Exercising through pregnancy, one of the most confusing topics with all the conflicting information out on Dr. Google. Should you exercise even if you weren’t before you fell pregnant? Can you keep doing the same thing? What should you change? When do you change it? When do I stop laying on my back? Can I run?

Let’s go through what exercising means for you and your bub. As well as what changes and expectations we should see throughout the next 40 weeks.

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Joanne Tanton Joanne Tanton

Exercise Prac Placement

Inspire Health Services offers comprehensive practical experiences for university students aimed at preparing them for careers in allied health. They emphasize hands-on learning where students are integrated into the team, fostering independence and responsibility early on.

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Nutrition, Exercise Joanne Tanton Nutrition, Exercise Joanne Tanton

Nutrition to reduce DOMS

Have you ever killed your first workout in a new training phase or made a comeback to training after a bit of time off and you wake up the next day and it hurts to do.... well, anything! Cue, delayed onset muscle soreness or DOMS.

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Joanne Tanton Joanne Tanton

Lateral Hip Pain

Lateral hip pain is a very common complaint that is reported in roughly 1 in 4 women over the age of 50, and can be a difficult condition to treat due to the multifactorial aspects impacting on individual presentations. Lateral hip pain can interfere with physical activity, but also with quality of life, activities of daily living and sleep quality.

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Joanne Tanton Joanne Tanton

Myofascial Slings

When we think about movement of the human body, it’s important to understand that our movement is not strictly governed by the muscles themselves, but rather the chains of muscles and the connective tissue in between known as the myofascial system.

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Joanne Tanton Joanne Tanton

Micro vs Macronutrients

Food typically provokes a broad and often polarising range of views in broader society. Many of these are often contradictory and leave us in a mental (and sometimes physical) war between what foods are ‘good’ or ‘bad’, and what foods we actually want to eat.

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